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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
04/21/24 Your Faith Has Saved You Jerid Gunter Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Sun AM 042124-YourFaithHasSavedYou-Gunter.mp3
04/07/24 Duty-Driven Discipleship of a Duty-Driven Church Jerid Gunter Titus Sun AM 040724-DutyDrivenDiscipleshipOfDutyDrivenChurch-Gunter.mp3
03/31/24 Death, Burial, Resurrection...Repeat? Jerid Gunter N/A Sun AM 033124-DBRRepeat-Gunter.mp3
03/24/24 Always Pray & Don't Lose Heart Jerid Gunter Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Sun AM 032424-AlwaysPrayAndDontLoseHeart-Gunter.mp3
03/17/24 God, Are You There? Jerid Gunter N/A Sun AM 031724-GodAreYouThere-Gunter.mp3
03/03/24 How Denominationalism is Detrimental to True Discipleship Jerid Gunter N/A Sun AM 030324-HowDenominationalismIsDetrimental-Gunter_1.mp3
01/16/22 The Body of His Work (1 Cor. 12) Jerid Gunter 1 Corinthians Sun AM 1-Cor-12-Body-of-His-Work-011622.mp3
01/31/21 The Power of the Cross (1 Cor. 1) Jerid Gunter 1 Corinthians Sun AM The-Power-of-the-Cross-1-Cor-1-013121.mp3
01/17/21 Are You a Zealous Christian? Jerid Gunter N/A Sun AM Are_You_a_Zealous_Christian-011721.m4a
12/06/20 Work We All Must Do (2 Thess. 3) Jerid Gunter 2 Thessalonians Sun AM Work_We_All_Must_Do-2_Thess_3-120620.m4a
11/29/20 Are You Sojourning or Settling? Jerid Gunter N/A Sun AM Are_You_Sojourning_or_Settling-112920.mp3
11/22/20 Thanks-living Jerid Gunter N/A Sun AM Thanks-Living-112220.mp3
11/15/20 Stand Firm & Hold On (2 Thess. 2) Jerid Gunter 2 Thessalonians Sun AM Stand-Firm-and-Hold-On-2-Thess-2-111520.mp3
10/25/20 The Bible & the World Jerid Gunter N/A Sun AM The-Bible-and-the-World-102520.mp3
10/11/20 When the Wicked Seem to Win (Psa. 73) Jerid Gunter Psalms Sun AM When_the_Wicked_Seem_to_Win-Psa_73-101120.m4a
09/20/20 A Church Worth Copying (2 Thess. 1) Jerid Gunter 2 Thessalonians Sun AM A_Church_Worth_Copying-2_Thess_1-092020.m4a
09/13/20 The One Thing Jerid Gunter N/A Sun AM The-One-Thing-091320.mp3
09/06/20 Predestined Man or Predestined Plan - Pt. 1 Jerid Gunter N/A Sun AM Predestined-Man-or-Predestined-Plan-Pt1-090620.mp3
09/06/20 Predestined Man or Predestined Plan - Pt. 2 Jerid Gunter N/A Sun PM Predestined-Man-or-Predestined-Plan-Pt2-090620.mp3
08/30/20 Character Counts - Pt. 2 (Daniel 3-6) Jerid Gunter N/A Sun PM 083020-CharacterCounts-Pt2-Dan3-6.mp3
08/30/20 Character Counts - Pt. 1 (Daniel 1-2) Jerid Gunter N/A Sun AM 083020-CharacterCountsPt1-Dan1-2.mp3
08/23/20 What Can I Do? (1 Thess. 5:12-28) Jerid Gunter 1 Thessalonians Sun AM 082320-WhatCanIDo-1Thess5.mp3
08/16/20 Looking to Jesus When We're Angered Jerid Gunter Looking to Jesus (2020 Theme) Sun AM 081620-LookingToJesusWhenAngered.mp3
08/09/20 One Special House (1 Peter 2) Jerid Gunter N/A Sun AM 080920-OneSpecialHouse-1Peter2.mp3
08/02/20 Thinking About Drinking Jerid Gunter N/A Sun AM 080220-ThinkingAboutDrinking.mp3

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